Wobbly Bob English Strong Ale – Red Collar Brewing

From Red Collar Brewing in Kamloops in the Okanagan comes their “Wobbly Bob English Strong Ale”.  The beer pours a copper colour with a beige head.  The aroma consists of biscuit, mild fruit, floral hops and sweetness.  The flavour is of biscuit, plums, toffee, brown sugar, bitterness, earth and sweetness.  The alcohol content comes in at 10.6% with an IBU of 66.  Not quite like other English Strong Ales I have had but I would not hesitate to drink more of this if I found more.

Commercial Description:  A New World take on a classic English style.  A trifecta of Pacific Northwest Hops, Centennial, Comet and Cascade, are combined with rich biscuit and malt flavours.  Balance is key to this golden brew through one should heed our warning; this ale packs a wallop!


One comment on “Wobbly Bob English Strong Ale – Red Collar Brewing

  1. […] 1: Thor’s Hammer (Central City Brewers + Distillers) 2: Wee Heavy (Persephone Brewing Company) 3: Wobbly Bob (Red Collar Brewing Company) […]

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