Deadpale Ale – BRB Co

From BRB Co (Be Right Back Brewing) in Richmond comes their “Deadpale Ale” a beer that unofficially ties into the movie Deadpool showing across the street. The beer pours a mildy cloudy golden to copper colour with a white head. The aroma consists of a really bready and grainy malt presence with some good citrus notes in the finish and some floral hops although mild. The flavour is of bready and grainy malts, caramel and citrus with some very mild hops bitterness. This is definitely an English Pale Ale and not a West Coast Pale. The alcohol content comes in at a very sessionable 4.3% with an IBU of 26. While this beer is not going to knock you socks off like deadpool would or kick you in the face with hops it is a tasty beer and I am sure Deadpool would support drinking a few in a sitting.

brb deadpool pale aleIMG_20160301_1707364

2 comments on “Deadpale Ale – BRB Co

  1. did they change their name? thought they used to be big river brewing?

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